Last Week in Flutter: Issue 6
Weekly coverage of interesting articles, videos, libraries in Flutter. Every Sunday.
What to read
Dart sound null safety: technical preview 2
Null safety is getting excitingly close to having the gift wrap removed with this new technical preview.
Flutter Forms Validation — the Ultimate Guide
A great, thorough introduction to forms in Flutter.
What to watch
Widget of the Week: SliverAppBar
The widget of the week is my personal favorite: SliverAppBar. That’s code for the widget that I need to google every time I use it.
Launching: Code with Andrea Live
Join one of Flutter’s greatest teachers on his new channel, where he will share livestreams and unscripted videos about Flutter app development!
Dart Developer Show: The Flutter Multi-Platform Ecosystem with Chris Sells
Chris Sells joins this podcast episode to discuss Flutter’s latest developments and its future.
Talking about Riverpod with Remi Rousselet
remi_rousselet joins @CreativeEngShow to discuss Riverpod.
What to follow
The Flutter community already has some pretty awesome networking libraries between dio and http, but this one is interesting because it can extend dio with serialization, error handling, timeouts, and token refreshes.
Not a new library, testfairy had a major release this past week to adopt Dart 2.
A fresh take on app update checks that also includes a summary of the differences between their alternatives.